Wednesday, January 02, 2008

So Cool

On New Years Eve, Nate and I went for my second doctor's appointment for the baby. We had our first ultrasound and it was possibly the coolest (albeit a tiny bit freaky) experience of my life. We got to see and hear the heartbeat. Not only that, but baby was kicking and punching like there was no tomorrow. This is reassuring for multiple reasons->

~ The baby does have arms
~ The baby also has legs
~ They move
~ The baby is developing well and by all of the Muhammed Ali movements, appears to be not only healthy, but possibly athletic :) (you seriously had to see this baby punch.... it was crazy. Kinda like when Tae Bo got popular and the instructor would tell you to go into "double time" which normal humans seemed incapable of doing.... our baby laughs in the face of double time, I mean, give it a REAL challenge, ya know?)
~ Side note- according to the ultrasound nurse, the baby is developing on schedule, has a normal, strong heart beat, and is very very active for this stage.

We got these little souveniers from our experience.... it's amazing how far ultrasounds have come... my mom was amazed by the 10 1/2 week photos. As you will notice, the baby has a head (always a good thing :) and though the fluid makes them look as though they are not attached (you'll just have to trust me that they are), you can see the arms and legs that luckily I am unable to feel moving yet. (I bet it will be fun when I can, if in fact the baby acts like karate star ALL the time)

And because it's Wednesday..... the growth chart->

What is happening with your baby?
Your baby’s head accounts for almost half of his/her entire length. Both the fingers and the toes have separated by week 11. The baby’s skin is still very transparent, but his/her bones are beginning to harden. The external genitalia have almost completely formed, and in several weeks you might be able to know if you are having a boy or a girl. Even though you cannot feel your baby moving around, he/she is very active.

How big is your baby?
Your baby is about 2 ½ inches long and weighs about half an ounce.


Ulovebeth said...

Your baby has grown from a peanut to his/her new nickname of Chili Pepper.

Erin said...

that's great news abby! so glad to hear all is going well.