Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Growth Chart

As of today, I am 21 weeks pregnant!! Now, for those of you that are saying, "Well, 9 months is 36 weeks.... you're pretty far along!." actually the "9 months" of pregnancy is technically 40 weeks. I didn't know this until this last year. Still, I AM over halfway there now!! Plus, I am clinging to the hope that I really do have pregnancies like those of my Aunt and Grandma (whom I take after in my body type) who both gave birth 1-2 weeks early each time and never had a labor exceeding 3 hours. Here's hoping :)

How big is your baby?

Your baby has grown to 8 1/2 inches long and weighs 12 ounces

Umm, this would make him a really low density pineapple?

1 comment:

Steph said...

hey so I had to delete the blog entry due to a certain party possibly gaining access to the blog... he's picking me up... I have seen a pic but it was really far away... i'll keep you posted.:)