Thursday, September 18, 2008

Ego Boost

We took Micah to the hospital yesterday for an ultrasound of his spine (everything turned out normal... praise the Lord!) and we had an interesting experience. We were in hospital lobby waiting to get called in, and people began to be drawn to us like magnets. They would try to walk by with a fleeting glance, but without fail they would double back saying something like "Oh, I just HAD to come see him up close. He's SO cute!!". They would ask how old he was, say how totally cute he was, ask why we were there. They would then say how cute he is again and usually go about their business (some added a few more questions and cute comments). This happened a TON in the hour or so that we were waiting.

I decided something right then and there.... we simply do not get out enough. No, seriously... I could use an ego boost like this more often :) It's fun to have people fawn over your kid and say how much he looks like you (we got this a lot too) and then say he's cute. Wait, does that mean I'M cute?? Well, to follow the logic of if/ then statements..... If he looks a lot like us and he is cute, Then we must be cute. SWEET!! Although, to be honest, I am perfectly ok with him being the cute one... probably a good thing :)

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