Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Need Inspiration?

Confession time.... I love to craft. No really, I do. As I am in the middle of one craft, I am constantly thinking of what I want to do next. I currently have 5 projects I want to do NOW and prioritizing them has been rough. Well.... what I'm about to tell you has not helped :P

I follow some crafty bloggers and occasionally get inspiration from them. One of my faves is a girl named Jill who has a boy just a few months younger than Micah. She is my craft icon currently... she dreams big, finishes impeccably and (drumroll please) she can SEW! I SO need to learn to sew! Although not knowing keeps my craft list shorter :P Anyhoo, she was invited to compete in an online craft competition called So You Think You're Crafty, so I've been following the competition. Basically, it started last week with 10 crafters that each come up with a craft that fits the theme for the week. We all vote and the one with the most votes each week is the winner and posts a tutorial on how to make her craft! The crafter with the least votes is eliminated. You should check it out... It'll make you want to go to Hobby Lobby DAILY!


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1 comment:

Katie said...

I found out from Dana from her blog Made. I will have to check out Jill's blog. Hope you are feeling good.