To be completely honest, when I found out Lizzie was a girl I was 99% excited and 1% completely terrified. I am not a girly girl and I began to wonder if I would be able to do the girly things well. It turns out, it's actually REALLY fun to be girly. I may still need to call in back-up when the girls want to know how to apply make up, but I've got the toddler girly thing down. That's why it was SO MUCH FUN to put together a dress up party for Lizzie's 3rd birthday!
Of course her 3 needed to get dressed up too...
Some of our accessories...
Oh Pinterest, I can't decide if I love you or I hate you for getting me into projects like this one...
I am mildly obsessed with these pinwheels...
Miss Maddy Moo was rocking the fire chief helmet...
Two of Lizzie's sweet friends from church...
I'm not sure what Janie is trying to communicate to GG here...
Jemma, the rock star princess personified....
Mazie tried on the most outfits of any of the girls and she definitely knew what she liked!
This sweet girl is very reserved. I've been trying to get her to warm up to me since she was born with very rare success. After the party on Saturday I saw her at church twice... the first time she beamed at me and the second time she waved excitedly and yelled "HI!!". I guess I found the way to Anna's heart :)
Janie was King Konging it on the kiddie table...
The word that comes to mind when I think of Molly is irrepressible, she's so much fun..
Lizzie is about two rings into a serious ring addiction here...
Princesses playing with our mini magnetic dress-up girls...
Lizzie is getting her cool on....
Hey there good lookin....
Lizzie was pretty darn cute interacting with her best friend, Julianne...
My cake only girl shifted to an icing only girl for one day only...
I love the Little Red Riding Hood meets Moulin Rouge look here...
Lunch time!
Birthday parties can really tire a girl out....
The other girl too :)