Friday, March 31, 2006

Conversations with my boss... part 1

Martin- "I'm going to need you to fill in these matrices for the GEC. They're pretty long, so it'll take a week or so for all the corridors."

Me- "Oh ok, do they use these to choose which corridors are the best options?"

Martin- "No, not really..... we've already done the matrices they use for that."

Me- "So what are these for?"

Martin- " Nothing. The GEC will never look at them, the information you find to fill them in is not really being factored into corridor selection and they will most likely be filed away and forgotten within a month. It will probably be really boring too, but the GEC wants them..... have fun!"

I enjoy my job, but sometimes being the cheapest labor in the office kind of sucks :)

Monday, March 27, 2006

I had no idea

I didn't know anyone was reading my blog until I missed a few days (6 to be exact) and had 4 people ask me why I didn't have any new posts. They like me, they really like me!! Or, they're bored, they're really bored! ;-) I love you guys... you keep reading, i'll keep posting.

Friday, March 24, 2006


A moment of braindeadness has led me to this conclusion.....Ginger Ale should not be consumed warm!! There, I said it :)

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Thumbs up, 7 up... adventures in hitchhiking

I began to write this post yesterday and ended up not really liking it all that much.... I would have erased it, but I admit that I am sort of attached to the title. I feel the world needs to see this title and bask in it's elementary school glow. As such I have decided to keep it and give you Cliff Notes version..... Long story short, I had a lady pull over and offer me a ride ( I didn't need one) It was nice of her, but who does that? I decided that if I ever desired to live a slightly criminal life, my all around appearance of innocence and my non-threatening stature would greatly aid me in my evil-doing :)

Friday, March 17, 2006

Gig 'em Ags!!!

In their first tournament appearance in 19 years, the Ags captured their first tournament victory in 26 years. This comes with a dominant performance over Syracuse. For a team to go from not winning a single conference game to the second round of the dance in only two years is phenomenal. I am so proud of these boys and I only wish that I had been able to be back at Reed this year to witness the whole thing (although last year was great too :) I am just giving A&M their due credit as it will certainly not be coming from the stupid commentators. And as for the LSU game.....Geaux Aggies!!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Staple it together....

So I was sitting at my desk today working diligently (as always :) and I had to use the stapler. I realized that I really hate my company provided stapler. It's heavy and somewhat awkward. I began to consider the merits of bringing my Swingline up from home. I love that stapler... it has served me well. As I thought about this I remembered something...

Perhaps I shouldn't worry so much about my stapler :)

Friday, March 10, 2006

Back in Aggieland

Ok, so I prefer real life to college and I don't really miss being in school... too much stress. But there are some things that I miss.

1) My Sports Pass- I LOOOOOOOVE live sporting events... in college I had my choice of 2 every day
2) Andrea living 2 ft away
3) Freebirds- Yes, i know we have one here but the chick at the Houston location keeps trying to put rice in my burrito... what's up with that?!!
4) Walking on campus
5) Spring Break
6) Whooping
7) Doing the crossword from the Batt... it made for a lovely alternative to listening to the prof :)

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

More than one way to drill

Many of you may know Erin VanV formerly of Lighthouse, currently of Canada :) Her signature block in her emails is as follows...

Erin L. Van Volkenburgh
Western Canada Drill Team
Imperial Oil

What exactly would a western Canadian drill team look like? My guess is something like this, but maybe with giant Maple leaves on thier skirts.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

All in good time

There are some things in our lives that God has to teach us repeatedly. God has been gently reminding me recently that his timing is perfect and no matter how well intentioned I may be, mine is not. God has blessed me and shown me how the exact same event can be disasterous in man's timing and an absolute blessing in his time. What an amazing God we serve!!

"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. " Romans 12:2

Monday, March 06, 2006

I never knew why someone would start a blog...

Ok, so I don't understand blogs. I have no idea why it is so interesting to read someone else's ramblings about their life... but I know that I always end up getting sucked into them and now i've started one myself :) I promise to try to live an interesting life so that I may grace you with daring accounts of my endless everyday adventures.

This picture always makes me laugh :)