Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Staple it together....

So I was sitting at my desk today working diligently (as always :) and I had to use the stapler. I realized that I really hate my company provided stapler. It's heavy and somewhat awkward. I began to consider the merits of bringing my Swingline up from home. I love that stapler... it has served me well. As I thought about this I remembered something...

Perhaps I shouldn't worry so much about my stapler :)


erin vanv said...

I have found I like Swingline too :)

There are so many random things that offices are cheap about though. We don't have kleenex and I am forced to keep a roll of paper towels in my office.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure this is a cheap stapler.... it appears to be industrial strength which may be why it's hard for me to lift it off the desk :)