I'm not sure yet... luckily I don't have to be :) Lately I have been thinking more and more about the possibility of home schooling the kiddos once they reach elementary age. I love that we can cover the curriculum in home school in way less time each day than the over 7 hours a day they would spend if they went to public school. I love that they can be educated with a Christian world view at home. I love that my sweet gentle spirited boy could be spared potential bullying. I love that I could add in specific things I want them to learn like Spanish at a young age.
BUT, I'm afraid of them feeling like they missed out. I'm afraid of not socializing them well enough. I'm afraid of giving up all of that time to get things done. Mostly, I'm just afraid that I'll fail. That I won't be able to do it....... But then I realized... So what? What's the worst that could happen... they end up in public school?
That's not a bad thing.
I'm actually a fan of public school. I had fully planned on enrolling my kids until God started to lay home schooling on my heart. While discussing this, the hubs and I actually came up with the perfect solution. Micah has a summer birthday, and while I have no doubt that he will be ready academically for Kindergarten in 2013, he will barely be 5 years old at the start of school and the behavioral and social readiness probably won't be there. Soooooo, the plan for now is to spend the 2013-2014 school year trying out homeschooling. I'll go ahead and start doing Kindergarten with Micah and see how it goes. If it works well then we'll keep at it. If not, he'll be very prepared to start public school the next year. I'm REALLY excited about this plan.... the other great part of it is that I still have a year to prepare and research curriculum and co-ops and all that.
Anyhoo, that's what's going on with us at the moment :) I wanted to post vacation pics, but most were taken on other people's cameras and those people live in San Antonio and Paris (stinkin) France.... It may be awhile ;-)