Thursday, March 23, 2006

Thumbs up, 7 up... adventures in hitchhiking

I began to write this post yesterday and ended up not really liking it all that much.... I would have erased it, but I admit that I am sort of attached to the title. I feel the world needs to see this title and bask in it's elementary school glow. As such I have decided to keep it and give you Cliff Notes version..... Long story short, I had a lady pull over and offer me a ride ( I didn't need one) It was nice of her, but who does that? I decided that if I ever desired to live a slightly criminal life, my all around appearance of innocence and my non-threatening stature would greatly aid me in my evil-doing :)


kelly said...

I've actually hitchhiked before - on the way to the Aggie game. I definitely would not recommend it; I was pretty nervous to say the least. But the guy was nice, even if he tried to hit on us. You know the other two girls that were with me, but I won't mention their names here. In fact, the rest of that night was pretty entertaining... Phone numbers anyone???

Jessica said...

All of my hitchhiking experiences have also been at A&M, usually when someone offered me a ride in the parking lot to my car so that they could take my spot after I left!!

Abby said...

I heard about your hitchhiking Kelly :) Was that the night we made a little pit stop on our way to go dancing?

erin vanv said...

I think I heard about this pit stop from Christi...

kelly said...

That was the night of our pit stop, but we won't talk about that here ;)...