I am taking off today at 2 so that I can take off and go to Paris... woo hoo!! I get to go see my parents and spend a week in Spain and a week in Paris. It is sooooooo hard to work right now (which explains the early morning post :)
I got to thinking though, I have been trying to downplay this for the last couple of weeks because I am so paranoid about people thinking I am rubbing it in their faces. I realized that I always do this.... I am afraid to talk about the blessings in my life because I assume that instead of being happy for me, it will only make people bitter. I did this with the cruise in February AND when Nate and I started dating AND when I got a certain position in LH this semester. I had one friend in college who was this way, anything good in my life was something that she resented me for. As a result, I stopped sharing my joy with her and eventually I stopped sharing it all together out of fear of alienating people. Well, that stops now. I am going to see my parents and I am announcing that I am SOOOOO excited!
6 years ago