Friday, April 14, 2006

Daring Adventures in Company Cars

Here are some pics I took while doing field research for a project I am on... they are too good to not share them with the world :)

We're pretty sure this is a sawed off Geo Tracker... It did have some power to it though :)

Holy Name Catholic School... for those times when choosing a saint is just too taxing.

I'm not sure what commentary should go under a picture of giant presidential heads except to say that I'm glad the truck is there to show you just how massive they are. This IS in Houston, by the way... if you want to visit, i'll be more than happy to hook you up with directions :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It looks to me like our previous heads of state are just dropping George Bush Senior off and lined up to give him a proper send off. The last one headed home is gonna get gyped...