Thursday, July 29, 2010


Lizzie has continued to race through her developmental milestones recently. I have a theory (as always ;-) that she believes that if she checks everything off of her list then she'll get her birthday party earlier.... at least that's why I would do it :) What baby girl doesn't know is that birthdays don't work that way.... well, really it's just that I need 6 more months to finish planning her party :)

Anyhoo, Lizzie boo got her first tooth on her brother's birthday! I hadn't posted about it yet because yesterday was the first time I got a chance to get the elusive first tooth shot..... seriously, it's tough to get :P The pic is a bit fuzzy, but you can see the first little chiclet poking through on the bottom. What you can't see is chiclet number two that poked through yesterday next door to number one.

Liz has also been working on getting more and more mobile in the past couple of weeks. She isn't doing a traditional crawl yet, but she get around and goes exactly where she wants to :)



Katie said...

Go Lizzie go! Cute tooth. I now do things in order to slow time to my next birthday. ;)

Amy said...

Your "theory" cracked me up. And speaking of birthday parties, I found another blog (it's a friend of a friend) that links to birthday party (or shower) posts. My favorite is the Candy Land party!