Monday, March 29, 2010


As of a few months ago, Micah started randomly yelling "Abby!" Not necessarily weird since he hears Nate call me that all the time. What was weird is that he never seemed to be directing the Abby towards me. Well, that was weird and the fact that if we were inside he would look upstairs when he yelled it, or if we were outside then he would scream it to the sky..... seriously.... think, Stella!! from a Streetcar Named Desire and you'll get the proper intensity/volume/inflection :P We would always laugh at it (seriously.. STELLA!! = ABBY!!.. it is hilarious) but we also always wondered what on earth he thought he was saying.

And then he got sick.

Last week Micah was pretty sick with whatever virus he and Lizzie thought would be fun to share. He was VERY irritable and kept asking to go down for his naps early. Here's a bit of insight for those without kids.... when your toddler is being a toot and asks to take his nap 2 or 3 hours early, just say YES. Follow this yes with a prayer that he sleeps until the same time he normally gets up despite the earlier start to the nap and you're good to go :) Anyhoo, Micah went down early for his nap one day, but unfortunately didn't sleep as late as I wanted (or he needed). Micah only gets his pacifier for nap time, but when he's really grumpy we'll sometimes break our rule....

This was one of those times.

I decided not to wrestle the little sucker out of his hand and just let him keep it in. I went downstairs assuming Micah was on his way down and continued into the den. Then I heard it... ABBY!! I started upstairs to see Micah at the top yelling ABBY! and looking... down. Huh? He always looks up when he says it. Then I saw it. He had dropped his paci on the outside ledge of the stairs. He pointed at it and yelled ABBY! and everything became clear. Abby = paci! We keep all of his pacifiers in a high desk drawer in his room and he knows it.... hence the looking up as he yells for his paci. Fun times :)



Diana said...

That is too precious!

czstout said...

I love those "Ah Ha" moments!! Hope your kiddos are on the mend Abby!

Anonymous said...

That is so funny!
Anxious to hear how Lizzie is doing.

Tree Hugging Attorney said...

That is too hilarious.
Better that he call it Abby than Mommy, I guess. ;)

C-Ray said...

At least your name has a positive association :)