Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Does she have your nose?

In answer to the title of this post..... I DON'T KNOW!! I can't even count how many people have tried to get me to tell them who Lizzie looks more like. If they are more detail oriented, then they will go feature by feature trying to figure out whose eyes, nose, ears, cheeks, elbows, liver, etc that she has. Now, don't get me wrong, I am more than happy to let them speculate but as I always say when asked... I don't play that game.

As the saying goes, it's not you.. it's me. As in, I am obviously missing the gene that allows me to figure out whether my newborn's earlobes favor mine or Nate's :P But it's ok. I may be missing the gene, but I have something better... access to facial recognition software. Score! I'm not sure about earlobes, but here is how our faces compare :)

Now, it isn't about winning, but I WIN!! Haha!



Diana said...

Ok, so that's awesome! Where did you find this amazing software, as I may have to try it for myself? :)

Mom said...

So who do YOU look more like...me or dad?

Abby said...

Diana- It's on myheritage.com and it's called the look-alike meter :)

Mom- I sent you an email... I am a perfect blend of you two! No surprise there. Ben looks slightly more like Dad... no surprise there either :)

Diana said...

Thanks, Abby! But it said Maddux looked more like his dad by 17% :(

Amy said...

I'm sorry, but those results are off, Lizzie looks just like the girls in Nate's family! For SURE! I love this game! But I'm terrible at playing when it comes to my own kids. :)