Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Conversations With the Terminix Guy

T- "Hi, are you Mrs. ..... Easel?"
A- Um sure, why not.."Yup"
T- "I'm here to do your quarterly service, have you been seeing any bugs?"
A- "Yup, we have bionic roaches."
T- Blank stare, blank stare, blank stare "Umm, bionic?"
A- "Yup, they're huge, really fast, impossible to kill and appear out of nowhere."
(I then proceed to act out for him what it looks like to try to catch one of these bad boys, complete with sound effects and hand motions)

I give him mad props for not laughing and/or just leaving the crazy lady to herself, and by the time he left I think he really got me...

T- "Well, I'm done if you could just sign here. Oh, and I sprayed something especially for bionic roaches so it should take care of them."

The few bionic roach encounters I have had were enough to last a lifetime, so I'm hoping his special spray kills them and doesn't cause them to mutate into something more in line with the bad boys from Men in Black :)


1 comment:

dad said...

For the record; rubber bands take out bionic roaches (but you can't be squeamish about picking up the parts). I'll show you sometime.