Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The taste buds of a 5 yr old child

As I have begun increasingly pulling recipe ideas from blogs and recipe share sites, I've realized something... I'm not an adult. It's true. Sad, but true. As I've gotten older, I have tried (and liked) a much broader variety of food but it has become apparent that I'm not as grown up as I thought due to my total disdain for the following~

~ Coffee.. YES this includes iced coffees with ten pounds of sugar in them. YES this includes coffee flavored things like ice cream. Before you ask another question, it includes anything that tastes like coffee.
~ Tea... YES even iced tea, even sweetened. Yes, I am a native Texan... and I still hate tea. No, they are not planning on kicking me out of the state.
~ Avocado... YES this includes guacamole. YES I'm sure. YES I've tried the good stuff, and I'm still sure.
~ Coconut.... not even a sliver
~ Cilantro... I don't have to see it to know it's there and it will turn me off to the whole dish.
~ Beer and wine.. great in cooking, hate it all by itself
~ Raw tomatoes, lettuce, onions, etc on top of sandwiches
~ Pickles
~ Condiments... YES I mean ketchup...and mustard...and relish. Yup, I eat my burgers, fries and hot dogs all dry and I like it that way :P
~ Green veggies... with the exception of spinach this is unfortunately on my list. I keep trying them, they keep being gross
~ Mashed potatoes... chalk it up to an issue with texture.
~ Lunch meat
~ Feta Cheese Anyhoo,

lets just say that I totally understand Micah's pickiness when it comes to food :P Signature


Never Enough Food said...

We need to go out to eat together! I HATE all condiments, have never tried coffee because the smell makes me want to throw up, avacados, cilantro - I don't get all the hype about this one, the smell of beer and wine pretty much most alcohol) makes me want to throw up too and any fancy cheese.

Anonymous said...

I was with you on the coffee, but after that you lost me...I didn't realize you were so picky! That does make it near to impossible to fuss at your kids for not eating!

Abby said...

You're on Cindy :)

Grandma- I don't see it as picky really. I mean, you couldn't cone up with a list that long of food you don't like? I can still eat most of these if they were put in front of me, I just never choose them myself.

Amy said...

And just how would you describe one who is picky? ;)

Abby said...

I see picky as how I was as a child. Refusing to try anything unfamiliar, having a much larger list of dislikes and refusing to eat anything that you don't like. And yes, I know you were asking a rhetorical question ;-)

czstout said...

so what do you eat exactly?? :]

Jana said...

So funny. I think when we read other peoples' lists that contain things we like, we think - gosh they are so picky! But I'm sure most of us have a list like that. Mine would include cooked spinach, cooked carrots, blue/feta cheese, okra, cauliflower, brussle sprouts, cottage cheese, & sweet pickles. There are also foods that I have really started to like only in the past few years like mushrooms, onions, squash, zucchini, fresh spinach, and sweet potatoes. Tastebuds are so weird!