Instructions on how to use the chart.
Hmmm, I mean it's just your age cross referenced with the month you conceived, are instructions really needed for that? I clicked on them and found out that they were. Hmmmm, turns out it's your Chinese lunar age cross referenced with the Chinese lunar month you conceived. Turns out that the Chinese consider me a year older than I am and they don't divide their months like we do.... Also turns out that the chart was right with both my previous pregnancies... Did I mention that I can be superstitious? Even when I know intellectually that a gender prediction chart is ridiculous, I can't help but check it and wonder if maybe it will be right a third time. (the odds are 50/50 anyway, but I still can't help it) So anyhoo, just thought I'd let you know that the Chinese moon people believe I'm having a girl. So there you go :)