Janie bear is two months old today.... er, well technically she's 2 months old on February 3oth.... which doesn't exist.... sooooooo, yeah..... but hey, if it wasn't leap year I'd be cheating by TWO days.... so, yeah.
Anyhoo, Jane is two months oldish today! Our little girl has already been such a joy for us. She is smiling more and more and has this little baby giggle that has been popping up a lot lately and I find it completely irresistable. She is mostly a content baby and probably is the happiest baby I've had. She is getting better at sleeping and does at least one long stretch each night in the pack n play.
Jane loves her siblings and enjoys it when they talk to her and "play" with her. She smiles at them and tracks them across the room. I'm not sure how close she really is to rolling over, but Jane has started rolling onto her side while trying to get off of her stomach during tummy time and she will teeter on the brink of success and then flop back on her stomach. After bath time she gets the most adorable fuzzy hair that sticks straight up and is SO soft. We are a big fan of Jane and can't wait to see how she grows and changes over the next months and years!
I especially like the first and fifth picture.
Thanks Dad :) Mom and I tried to FaceTime you yesterday but my phone kept calling her phone instead... Weird :P
She is super cute!
cute! makes me excited for our next little one in August!
Can't believe she's two months old already...almost! She's a cutie; would love to see her smile!
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