Happy birthday Lizzie!!! At two years old, Lizzie is a lot of fun and a lot of work :) She is absolutely adorable and is very sweet and affectionate. She is typically pretty obedient, but will often throw a fit even as she is obeying just to make sure you know that she's not happy about obeying. She is very smart and has most of her letters (and the sounds they make) down and can count objects up to 12. She loves to read books and will bring them to you and either demand you "read, READ!" or "TALK!!". Her vocab has exploded and she is now able to communicate a lot more of what she is thinking.
Lizzie is our little adventurer and continues to be a prolific climber... which sometimes gets her stuck in precarious situations :) I absolutely adore our oldest little girl and I love what she has brought to our family. Happy birthday, Lizzie Boo!
She is so adorable...can't believe she's two already!
What did we do before there was Lizzie?
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