Friday, August 12, 2011

18 Months Old!!

As of yesterday, that little bundle of pure trouble is a year and a half old! Oh my goodness. She has reached such monumental developmental milestones as getting her head stuck in between the spindles on the stairs and flinging herself off of furniture with no regard for personal safety :) Seriously though, at 18 months Lizzie is~

~ A bit of a daredevil who loves to climb and jump and live on the edge (of the furniture ;-)
~ Loves to climb behind me on the couch, poke her head out and shout BOO! and then laugh hysterically.
~ Not afraid to defend her territory against the advances of her big brother
~ A bit of a hot head. It doesn't take a lot to make her upset and she will definitely let you know if she is unhappy with a situation.
~ An avid reader... or should I say that she is avid about getting read to :)
~ Still cuddly and loves to be held or to squeeze in next to you while she drinks her juice.
~ A girl of many faces... the stink eye and the raised eyebrow (aka, I'm in on the joke) are the most prominent.

We love you baby girl! Happy half birthday!


1 comment:

dad said...

No doubt about it; Lizzie is not a young lady to be trifled with with.