Well, at first I kept telling people that I wasn't going to have time to go out and buy decorations and then put them up, blah blah blah. The truth? I'm too competitive. I know that I will go overboard and end up spending a ton of money and then if I don't win, I'll get bitter. It's not all fun and games to me.... I may pretend like it, but for things like this I want to win. I want mine to be so much prettier than anyone else's that they will have no choice but to crown me queen of decorating and hail my creative abilities.... not in front of me of course, I'm not comfortable with that kind of attention :) But it would be a topic in the breakroom. People will remember it next year and look at the other entries and say, "Yes, but it could never compare to Abby's last year." Interesting that I want to go down in history but not have anyone compliment me to my face :P
So long internal debate short, I'm gonna do it. I have a plan and it's not too intricate. It does involve a dowel rod hanging from the ceiling, yards upon yards of tinsel, paper snowflakes, white lights and possibly fake snow and a likeness of Santa's backside..... I'll post a picture when I'm done :)