Thursday, November 16, 2006

So sad....

I was watching the news yesterday and they were talking about Renee Zellweger's divorce from Kenny Chesney after a 4 month marriage. (I will spare you my list of reasons why this isn't news and shouldn't be playing alongside Fort Bend murder stories at 9pm) I was getting ready for bed and heard in passing a quote from Renee explaining that the marriage came about because she "needed a break from acting". In an article this morning I read her as saying~

"I was looking for something else. I just needed to put acting aside. I needed to sit still and not to worry about the dresses and the hair and the travel and the interviews.
"I was going through huge life changes at the time. I wanted to stop and be a girl for a while."

It saddens me that she used marriage as a way to break up the monotony and 'be a girl for awhile'. What ever happened to a good old fashioned vacation? When I need to feel like a girl I watch sappy movies, eat more than I should, go shopping, play MASH or have massive unexplained mood swings. Perhaps I should send her a list of suggestions.....

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