Now, for someone who doesn't like to hear things important to her get made fun of, I've made some unfortunate choices in life.... some things I didn't choose, but still... unfortunate :P
1) I was blonde until puberty..... blonde jokes anyone?
2) I am a Texan born and raised. I am SUPER proud of this as any native Texan should be, but Texas pride tends to draw out alot of "haters" :P Extra bonus.... when I moved to Houston, I also took on the criticism of the rest of Texas. You know what though, I like Houston and I don't think that in any way makes me weird or delusional.
3) Yeah, I'm a 'Stros fan... what of it? I also like the Mavericks.... care to comment on how they always choke in the playoffs? You wouldn't be the first.
4) I went to Texas A&M..... I'm an Aggie..... I am die hard..... I do not think the merit of a college is determined by it's football team..... oh, and I leave your college alone, so back off mine
Whoa... this was supposed to be light-hearted, but I think I tapped into some deeply rooted hostility :P What can I say, I'm tired of people ragging on me about my school. I'm proud of my school, I don't think I could have made a better decision for myself when it came to choosing a university. Ummm, yeah... I think that's about it for a Monday :)
p.s.- thank you to everyone who has asked about Micah's feedings recently. He has good and bad feedings, but overall the trend shows them getting better. It is a definite answer to prayer!
When I catch grief abouot being a 'Stros fan out here in sunny California, I don't get sucked into discussions, I just say, "They're my team whether they're having a good year or not. If it depended on the record, they wouldn't be my team." As for being a Texan, it's best not to draw me into that discussion either; the roots are pretty deep.
See, and while I am fine with them winning, I'm not going to pretend like I am a Rockets fan when they are doing well...kind of the same thing in reverse :P
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