Wednesday, November 04, 2009


I've had several people ask me what the differences are between this pregnancy and my first. They want to know if I am sicker, if I am carrying differently, gaining weight differently, etc. One question has stumped me though..."Do you think you baby bump is bigger this time?" Hmmm, I know it popped out earlier, but I guess I never thought about whether is was smaller or bigger at this point. Soooooo, I decided to compare pictures! The difference is subtle, but I'm pretty sure that I am bigger this time.... what do you think?

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Mom said...

You are definitely bigger this time, but of course everyone thought my second time I was carrying twins...but no, just Ben;)

Abby said...

Well.... he did have his exceptionally large cranium :P

dad said...

It wasn't the size of the baby with Ben. It was the fact that he spent the last 4 months working out in there like it was his personal "24 Hour Fitness". He beat the mess outa his home.

Never Enough Food said...

I'm going to have to say you are bigger :)

Anonymous said...

Definitely bigger...

Jen said...

I think your bigger. You look more... out there? I don't know if that's the right way to put it. But it's out further. :) And perhaps shaped a little differently.