Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I came, I ran, I....well.....

almost died. Well, at least that's what it felt like :P I did my first training run last week and it didn't exactly go how I expected. To be fair though, I'm not sure my expectations were realistic....

I've never been a runner... EVER. But I have also always been able to run a bit and be ok. Hence why last week as I laced up my new shoes and performed familiar stretches, I figured the 1.2 miles I had decided to go for on my first run wouldn't be an issue. I mean, I've always been able to run a mile no problem. It might be tough the first time, but I figured I could power through it... HA!! Not so much. I think I ran about half a mile and then the wheels fell off... the being able to breathe, being able to stay on my feet, being able to hold my lunch wheels. I got incredibly nauseated, my chest got very very tight, my lungs burned and I got so dizzy that I could barely stand...uh oh!

I managed to walk the remaining 0.7 miles and finish the whole thing in 19 minutes. But then I stayed dizzy for three days after that.... hmm, maybe the half wasn't such a hot idea? I was (obviously) discouraged until Nate pointed some things out~

~ I hadn't run since college
~ I didn't exercise during this pregnancy due to a combo of bad weather, "morning" sickness and nerve pain
~ I hadn't exercised since the pregnancy since I just got cleared for activity a week ago

Sooooo, basically I hadn't really run for 5 years, and I hadn't been walking consistently for about a year. Um yeah, so I am the most out of shape I have EVER been :P Anyhoo, I have adjusted my approach now and I'm going to start building up miles walking again and do separate cardio for a few weeks and then maybe I'll be ready to start my running training :) Oh, and if you are concerned about the dizziness, I figured out that Liz eats WAY more than Micah did and that I have been under-hydrating. I was so severely dehydrated that it is somewhat miraculous that I even made it half a mile :)



Dad said...

Running will let you know how fit you are with a brutal honesty. Don't be discouraged. Sometimes the truth hurts, but you can dig out of the hole you're in and operate on an entirely different plane in a couple of months.

Anonymous said...

Good luck..at least you have lots of time to train...and two marathoners to encourage you!

Amy said...

Time is on your side! And I commend you for listening to Nate's encouragement. Sometimes when I get discouraged I just shut down which is obviously not beneficial. :)

Abby said...

Yeah, I had the little voice in my head the entire "run" telling me I'd never be able to do a half marathon... luckily Nate reminded me that I had 9 months to train AND that I was starting from a 0 level of fitness :)