Baby girl is 9 months old today! Janie is definitely a sweet little girl and is a joy to be around..... even if that wasn't the case with this photo shoot :P Jane is usually happy to a fault and I think she must have known that I only had one chance to get these pictures and decided to teach me a lesson about procrastinating. Here she is informing us that we're nuts if we think she is going to lay down and smile at the camera when she could be touring the house at breakneck crawling speed....
Here is the split second she did lay for me, but she's not wanting to ham it up...
Ooooooh, Mama... did you know there is a HANDLE on the china hutch?!!
Here she is telling us exactly what she thinks of being moved from the handle back to the calendar....
And here is what you do while spending time trying to calm the baby back down...
Anyhoo, Janie has become an expert crawler in the past month and is now pulling up to stand and even started cruising a bit yesterday. Jane is still really easy going which is a huge help. Since learning how to crawl, we've also learned how independent she is... she will take herself to the play room and entertain herself for a good stretch of time. Sooo, back to my couldn't-care-less-about-taking-pictures baby...
This was so contrary to her normal, smiley self that I was very frustrated. But hey, with babies/toddlers and pictures you just sort of get what you get....
This one makes me laugh~
A smile!! Too bad she won't look at the camera....
Oh well, I'll take it!