Thursday, September 20, 2012

Soccer 101

A few weeks back, Micah informed us (out of nowhere and rather emphatically) that he wanted to play soccer. We were all for it and I started looking for a league that night only to find out that I was TOO LATE. Several had already started and others that hadn't started had just shut down registration 2 days earlier.... yuck. So I got on the wait list for soccer at the Y...... Monday they called! Micah was so excited as we headed out to buy everything that he needed before his practice THAT NIGHT... it was a bit last minute for a planner like myself, but it was great to see him so excited :)

Here are a few pictures of him right before he left for practice~

Notice the tongue out in concentration :)

Side note- God is so good! After the severe drought last year, this is our back yard in September after not being watered once the entire summer.... What a blessing the rain has been this year!

He was so excited! We can't wait for his first game on Saturday!

Now to convince him to wear his shin guards under his socks ;-) Here is a conversation we had while shopping that I just had to record on the blog for posterity :)

Micah- "I'm gonna put on my soccer shoes and go to the game and I'm going to kick the ball to someone and they're going to kick it to me and then, AND THEN... I'm going to kick it into the goat!
Me- "You mean the goal?"
Micah- "Yeah, the goat."

ok buddy :)


1 comment:

Dad said...

Micah looks.....angry.