Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Micah's First Game

Micah's first soccer game was last Saturday and I feel like I've gotten my money's worth in entertainment value already :) Micah was accidentally put on a 3 yr old team and it was a nightmare trying to get him switched to a 4 yr old team. Then I thought about it....he's barely 4 and this was actually a better fit for him, especially since he's never played before.

Micah started out very excited and right in the thick of the action~

Then he got shoved or pulled on and this happened~

Then this.....

and finally this....

Kids coming out of the game upset was a common occurrence for the 3 yr old teams and it made subbing a no-brainer.... Take out the kid who is crying hysterically, send in the kid who seems the least upset or the kid who will actually agree to come in :) Luckily it wasn't long before Micah was heading back in...

Micah's big break away! (Note the other team has forgotten that they too are supposed to pursue the ball)

Micah and Marco scored on the break away and the teams came back to the middle where Micah buddied up to another of his teammates~

Running back after another goal!

The game finished and Micah found out the best part of soccer.... they have snacks!!

I'm glad he liked it so much! I'm also glad I had Skittles on hand to bribe him to go back into the game ;-)



Anonymous said...

Funny! I was wondering how it went and whether he found it as much fun as he anticipated!

Katie said...

He is completely cute. I was wondering why his jersey says Seattle on it, or am I just reading it wrong?

Abby said...

It does say Seattle.... All of the teams in the league are named after random cities and I have NO IDEA why :)