Friday, December 05, 2008

Cruel and Unusual

Seriously, infants have the capability to take this common phrase to a whole new level. Micah's weapon of choice recently has been sleep. Before Thanksgiving he was going to bed at 8:30 and sleeping through the night (til 6 or so)..... since we have gotten back from Kansas, however, he has slept a maximum of 2.5 hours at a time, he won't go to bed until at least 11, and last night he topped it off by screaming his head off and refusing to sleep from 12-1. Oh, and he still gets up for good around 6. Poor Nate is currently using all of his strength to keep himself from passing out at work... I have the BEST husband.

This experience has led me to one conclusion.... life isn't fair. My friend's 2 month old is sleeping through the night..... life isn't fair. But hey, if life was fair there would be no saving Grace through Christ, so I think I'll leave things the way they are :)

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Anonymous said...

No, life isn't fair, and we don't want it to be. I'll be praying for Nate today.

Kelli said...

Feeling your pain - Caroline was off and on all night last night from midnight on. I got so spoiled with her sleeping like a champ. Why is it so much harder now? It didn't seem so bad when they were newborns?

Jen said...

I have a friend who's 3 month old is doing the same thing... used to sleep through the night and now isn't. Wants to eat in the middle of the night. They think she's on a growth spurt. Maybe he's growing too?

Abby said...

yeah, growth spurts and teething are the two most likely culprits (if infact it isn't just completely random :)...we'll get through it

Anonymous said...

Could be worse - Ella Claire still wakes up every three hours. We about to hit month 4. I've never been so exhausted in my life!