Monday, December 08, 2008

Modern Marvels

Crayons, play doh, Legos, Hot Wheels, Barbie...... Old School. Seriously, do you remember the toys we had back when I was a kid? There were some cool things, not gonna lie, but it was NOTHING compared to today. If you have kids then you know exactly what I am talking about, if you don't and you pay any attention to commercials then you still know what I am talking about. For example~

Then- Crayons and markers
Now- Specialized markers that only write on special paper only and toys that will print out copies of whatever you draw on their screens (think Etch-a-Sketch meets copy machine).

Then- Ride on ponies attached to a metal frame with springs
Now- Ride on pony that hooks up to your tv and allows kids to play games and control characters on the screen with their movements on the pony

It's mind boggling what they have come up with. Seriously, between toy segments on the Today Show, commercials, and print ads, I am learning that it is really a whole new world out there for toys. A world of technology, a world where "interactive" is a buzz word, a world where everything possible is being done to keep kids from simply playing outside. I envision long Christmas wish lists in my future :)

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Anonymous said...

And yet....the kid will likely have just as much fun with the box the thing came in.

Abby said...

amen to that :)

Anonymous said...

I haven't been paying attention, and I'm amazed! I don't know why, though, since technology has pretty much taken over everything else. But...Mark's right...the box will probably be just as entertaining for the little ones.