Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Our Little Blueberry

I had my first doctor's appt. today and had an ultrasound to confirm the due date and make sure everything is going well. I got to hear the heartbeat (very strong.. way to go blue!) and see that baby is measuring right on schedule!

Looking very blueberryish in this picture too :) We are, of course, now calling the baby "blueberry" and likely will for the rest of it's life :P Although, if it ends up being a girl, I think we'll pay homage to amazing frozen yogurt and call her pinkberry ;-)

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Kelli said...

What a perfect little blueberry!

Devon said...

Congrats! Ultrasounds are so exciting. I found your blog a while back (I don't even remember where) and thought I would come out of blog lurkdom. :) My husband and I are expecting our first in December.

Abby said...

Congrats Devon! It's always fun to meet a stalker too :)

dad said...

Blueberry is an awesome name for a girl. I'm not sure a boy from yours and Nate's gene-pool could survive through middle school (unless of course he's a good runner).