Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Baby Dedication

This past Sunday was Lizzie's baby dedication at church. It is so fun to be at a small church and personally know all the other couples and kiddos up there with you. The dedication was at the beginning of the service and then all of the families left to put the kiddos in the nursery before returning to church. We decided to try to grab a quick family picture.... haha, riiiiiiight... quick picture. Anyhoo. Attempt number one right out of the gate wasn't bad, but we were hoping to at least get Micah facing the camera~

Thus began a chorus of "Micah!" "Hey Buddy!" "Look up.. look at Pa!" "Miiiiiiiiccccccaaaaaahhhh" Our attempts to get Micah to look at the camera angered him greatly (as such things do when you are almost two years old) and he started to scream... pretty loud.... right outside the sanctuary. This required immediate parental action so as not to disturb church~

I swear I don't have man hands, (they are actually quite petite) but something about this picture makes them look huge. Anyhoo.... attempt number three was sort of a grab-it-before-he-yells-again kind of thing... and it's pretty much identical to #1 except Lizzie isn't looking at the camera~

I'm looking forward to getting a good family picture... in 10 years.... maybe ;-)



czstout said...

I honestly think that the 2nd pic is a true expression of where your family is at now :) It made me laugh, and I think it's the perfect family pic!!!

dad said...

I vote for picture #2 as well. It's truth in advertising. You wouldn't want other parents to think they're the only ones who had to deal with diffficult two's.

Anonymous said...

What can I say...I like 2 also:)

Amy said...

Love it as well! Love Micah's haircut! Love Lizzie's bow! :)