Wednesday, May 17, 2006

True Statement

Everybody I love has left me at some point. For this reason I put my trust in God alone, the author of my faith and the lover of my soul. God will never leave you or forsake you.... and he will absolutely never move to San Antonio :)

"Who loves you more?" by Plankeye
I stir my cup and think of you; It's just the little things that break me
But it's not right to hold you so tight; I end up wrestling with God over you...
Whose hands are safer? Who could steal you from His grip?
It separates the ocean, with a brush so effortless...
There is nothing to worry about, because who loves you more than Jesus?
So here again I find myself and everything I've ever loved, at the foot of the cross with three nails
There is nothing to worry about, because who loves you more than Jesus?
If I hold onto you, will I let go of Christ? Will I end up denying Him in abundance of thrice?
Will I end up in the end with less than I started with? When I surrender...

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