Thursday, September 07, 2006

Me versus the new girl....

I get to work before anyone else at my office does... around 6:15 give or take 5 min. So, we have a recent grad that started work about a month and a half ago in my office and I think she decided this week to challenge my early riser status. On tuesday she was here way earlier than usual... 6:30 and I could tell she was surprised/disappointed I had beaten her in. Wednesday she came in at 6:18 and I was already on my computer doing my thang. Today she comes in at 6:14. She almost got me... about a minute and a half behind. At first I was laughing it off, but now I'm considering getting here at 6 tomorrow to make sure I beat her. Either that or not come in til 7.... the light switches are super difficult to find so she would have to work in the dark until someone else showed up. Hmmmm, decisions decisions :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have never been prouder of you than I am today..........go for 6.