Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Social Circles
Monday, September 29, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
Fun :)
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Micah has been a little, well, full recently. In fact, he went 10 days without, ahem, emptying himself of solids. We called the pediatrician around day 5 and tried out his tips to no avail. I was getting ready to call the doctor again when yesterday the bomb dropped..... I've never been so happy to see poop before in my whole life :P Seriously, it was like the day I found out I was pregnant... I excitedly called Nate and my mom as soon as I changed his (whopper of a) diaper. The news was met with equal excitement on the other end of the phone. Conclusion? Motherhood does weird things to you :)
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Diet Schmiet

One of the after effects of Ike is that the local grocery stores are still looking picked over, even 2 weeks after the big rush for food. Even in Katy where most people got their power back within 15 hours of losing it, a lot of people lost any food that was in their fridge or freezer and have been trying to restock, leaving the stores looking a little barren.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
I Can Be Your Hero Baby.......
Anyhoo, I was very glad to welcome it back as well as looking forward to the return of The Office this Thursday! Maybe now we can cut back on all of the ridiculous game shows and reality shows that were born from the writers strike (Wipeout excluded of course... that one better stay :)
For all of those who were worried that I might have been trapped under something heavy yesterday that prevented me from blogging, it was merely an Internet outage that prevented my daily ramblings. I apologize for the lack of a more exciting story to explain my absence, but hey.. it is what it is :)
Friday, September 19, 2008
As Promised
Thursday, September 18, 2008
He said it best
For those of you not familiar with my family history, this might surprise you. I can't imagine a much more fitting tribute, so I'll leave it to Ben.
Ego Boost
I decided something right then and there.... we simply do not get out enough. No, seriously... I could use an ego boost like this more often :) It's fun to have people fawn over your kid and say how much he looks like you (we got this a lot too) and then say he's cute. Wait, does that mean I'M cute?? Well, to follow the logic of if/ then statements..... If he looks a lot like us and he is cute, Then we must be cute. SWEET!! Although, to be honest, I am perfectly ok with him being the cute one... probably a good thing :)
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Open and Shut Case
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Two months old!

Today, our little boy is officially 2 months old! We went to the doctor this morning and found out that our little man is 10 pounds, 10 ounces and 22.5 inches long. He is is the 25th percentile for weight, height, and head size. Basically he is a lean, mean, fighting machine :)
Inspired by Amy's updates of Evan, here are so Micah tidbits.
~He is super smiley. He likes to do the Hokey Pokey and go on "runs" with his dad and he rewards us with huge grins each time we do these.
~He likes kisses and tries to catch your mouth with his when you kiss his cheek.
~ He has started laughing and I gotta say, pretty much the best sound ever :)
~ He is a bit spoiled by first born attention and likes to be held alot. He will let you know if he feels he is not getting the attention he desires :P
~ He likes to sit in his swing and just yesterday started sitting in his BeBe Pod.
That's about all I have right now.... 2 month olds aren't exactly a hotbed of activity :)
Monday, September 15, 2008
Regular Programming
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Safe, Dry, and Mooching Like Crazy :)
My parents are one of the few people in all of Houston who have had power today, so we are bunking with them and eating their food :) When I say "few", I mean that 2.1 million of Centerpoint's 2.2 million customers are without power, so we are truly blessed. Anyhoo, Nate and I are hoping that our power returns soon, but the official Centerpoint stance is that we should be prepared to go up to 4 weeks without power, so we'll see :P
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Ike.... Yikes!!

We are getting ready, storing water and putting our essentials into our interior room (aka, downstairs bathroom). We are even flying in duct tape from California (compliments of my dad) in order to tape up our windows. If you are reading this, please be praying for everybody near the Texas coast. We don't ever know for sure where these storms might go, and a good portion of the Texas coastline is still at risk. Pray for our safety as we hunker down as well as protection for our neighbors as Katy is expected to have a direct hit. We may still decide to leave, but for now we are planning to stay..... I'm getting nervous :P
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Coupon Frenzy
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
First Place
The first night was good... our leader explained some things to us about the program and then began to play a couple of segments from the DVD.... wait a second, that's Erin!! We knew she had played a major role in developing the new curriculum, but we didn't know that she was the one who had done the videos. It was surreal :) (Erin is in our Sunday School @ First) Erin, if you still read this blog, you did great! You sounded very professional and explained things well :)
Monday, September 08, 2008
The Hairless Wonder
The newest random thing I've noticed is that I am losing A LOT of hair. Like, clumps every time I brush it, or touch it. When this started happening, I was kinda worried. This is where I become very thankful for Google :) I found out that this is common and does not, in fact, mean that I am going bald. Apparently pregnancy hormones make you hold on to hair that you would normally shed. Well, once your hormones re-adjust, all the hair you would have lost over 9 months comes out in 1 month instead. I'm adding this to my list of things that nobody tells you before you have kids :P
Anyhoo, sorry for the late post.... I went to Katy Mills early this morning with my mom and logged 3 miles in air conditioned comfort :) We brought Micah home after that to eat and then we went to La Centerra and visited the Loft and Gymboree and I just now got home. Gosh, it feels fantastic to be writing so late because I was out doing something and not because I was passed out or trapped under a sleeping infant :)
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Night Owl

Now, I understand that not everyone is a cat person, so if you are unfamiliar with the body language of this pooped-out kitten, allow me to demonstrate my lack of energy with the following human example~

Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Six Random Things
1) I am incapable of talking on the phone in one place. I pace around the entire time I am on the phone and will not stop moving until I hang up. This is why I don't like talking on the phone that much... it's very tiring and contributes to the wearing down of the carpet :P
2) I am a sore loser. No really.... I should have gotten over it in kindergarten, but I didn't. I'm ok around the general public, but when I play games with my family I can't stand to lose and I'm kind of a brat about it :P
3) I danced Ballet, Jazz and Tap for 9 years total growing up (some years I did all 3). At one point, I auditioned and got a part in a Dallas Ballet production of Cinderella. I was a caterpillar :P Caterpillar was the second best child's part available and I have to admit, I wanted the best part. What was that, you ask? Firefly. The butt of their costumes lit up :P
4) My maternal grandmother was a skater in Holiday on Ice and was a headliner. She met my grandpa when he became the manager of the ice show. He went on the manage Madison Square Garden, travelling the world to find new acts to entertain the people of New York.
5) I have an unhealthy obsession with paper.... good paper. One of my life dreams is to own my own specialty paper and invitation store.
6) I heart food. They say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach... forget that! The way to MY heart is through my stomach too :) I am daily thankful to my dad's metabolism for allowing my love of food without me weighing 290 pounds :P
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Open to Suggestions

Sweet!! I win!!! For try #1, I used a pic from late in my pregnancy. I realized afterward that I did have some extra fun puffiness during that time that might effect the outcome. To be fair to Nate, I tried it again with a pre-pregnancy pic....