Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I Can Be Your Hero Baby.......

Ok, enough Enrique :) Seriously though, Heroes premiered last night after being off of the air since the writer's strike and WHOA. I mean, what is going on?!! I wish they had done a recap before the premiere so that I could remember ANYTHING that happened last season... I think they aren't catching us up so that everyone will run out and buy the dvd's just so they can remember who is dead from last season :P

Anyhoo, I was very glad to welcome it back as well as looking forward to the return of The Office this Thursday! Maybe now we can cut back on all of the ridiculous game shows and reality shows that were born from the writers strike (Wipeout excluded of course... that one better stay :)

For all of those who were worried that I might have been trapped under something heavy yesterday that prevented me from blogging, it was merely an Internet outage that prevented my daily ramblings. I apologize for the lack of a more exciting story to explain my absence, but hey.. it is what it is :)

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