Tuesday, September 09, 2008

First Place

Sooo, Nate and I started our First Place bible study last night at Kingsland. For those of you unfamiliar, First Place is a bible study that focuses on exercise and good eating habits. It teaches you nutrition as well as how to put food in the proper perspective as a Christian. Nate and I wanted to establish good eating habits before Micah ever eats solid foods so that he grows up with good eating habits. It looks like it is going to be really good and really challenging!

The first night was good... our leader explained some things to us about the program and then began to play a couple of segments from the DVD.... wait a second, that's Erin!! We knew she had played a major role in developing the new curriculum, but we didn't know that she was the one who had done the videos. It was surreal :) (Erin is in our Sunday School @ First) Erin, if you still read this blog, you did great! You sounded very professional and explained things well :)

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Amy said...

That sounds great - and how fun to do it together! Ben and I turned a corner in the road to "healthfulness" yesterday, too. I added 2 c. of finely chopped broccoli to our pasta dinner last night. Ben protested, so I told him when HE fixes the pasta he can make it without veggies, but when it's MY turn, I'm going to fix it with veggies. :-)

Anonymous said...

Wow, Amy! I guess he actually ate the broccoli because it was too small to pick out?

Erin said...

haha - that is hilarious! oh yes, i was entrenched in all of the revisions for 18 months...but i'm glad to hear it comes of well and clear. i taught my first class of the session last night, and it wasn't as bad watching myself on those as i thought it would be...i just catch everything i wish i would have done differently...oh well!

hope y'all enjoy the session. lots of great info, esp. in Simple Ideas that you won't even get to in just 1 session. let me know if you have any questions - i wrote a lot of it!
