The first night was good... our leader explained some things to us about the program and then began to play a couple of segments from the DVD.... wait a second, that's Erin!! We knew she had played a major role in developing the new curriculum, but we didn't know that she was the one who had done the videos. It was surreal :) (Erin is in our Sunday School @ First) Erin, if you still read this blog, you did great! You sounded very professional and explained things well :)
6 years ago
That sounds great - and how fun to do it together! Ben and I turned a corner in the road to "healthfulness" yesterday, too. I added 2 c. of finely chopped broccoli to our pasta dinner last night. Ben protested, so I told him when HE fixes the pasta he can make it without veggies, but when it's MY turn, I'm going to fix it with veggies. :-)
Wow, Amy! I guess he actually ate the broccoli because it was too small to pick out?
haha - that is hilarious! oh yes, i was entrenched in all of the revisions for 18 months...but i'm glad to hear it comes of well and clear. i taught my first class of the session last night, and it wasn't as bad watching myself on those as i thought it would be...i just catch everything i wish i would have done differently...oh well!
hope y'all enjoy the session. lots of great info, esp. in Simple Ideas that you won't even get to in just 1 session. let me know if you have any questions - i wrote a lot of it!
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