Ok, now I know that a lot of people are biased about the month in which they were born. They gloat over the fact that they are born in the same month as Christmas, or Thanksgiving or what have you. I let them talk because there is something they obviously just don't get.... February is the best. It's as simple as that really. Not convinced? Alrighty... allow me to correct your very misguided thinking with a simple and oh so effective list of why February beats the pants off of your month :)
1. My brother and I were born in February. I suppose this is part of my personal bias, but subsequent answers will show you the light :)
2. February is the coolest because it is the most exclusive club on the calendar. With only 28 days to it's name, it is harder to get into than any other month!
3. February is the ONLY month that gets to tack on an extra day every four years, kinda like how Texas in the ONLY state that can fly our flag at the same height as the American flag... and everyone knows Texas is the best :)
4. We get Valentine's Day! Now, for singles I realize that Valentine's Day is not the best (I didn't have a single dating Valentine's.. just single and married) but think back to elementary if you will...... candy, fun little cards, making a mailbox to put on your desk, and candy... again :)
5. If you live in south Texas (which is the best) then February has beautiful, sunny, 70 degree weather.
6. February is associated with love and for some reason, people just seem to be happier in February... the stress of the Holidays is gone and the stress of taxes is not quite here yet, it's nice :)
So anyway, you can clearly see above that February is the best and/or I am delusional.... I am surprisingly ok with either option :)