Thursday, February 26, 2009


The two years after you graduate college could easily be dubbed "the wedding years". You spend so much time, money and effort running from wedding to wedding and almost half of your summer Saturdays are spent eating wedding cake and dancing to "We are Family".

Well, it's been 4 years (ish) since I graduated from college and I have officially left the wedding years and entered the baby years :P These years are marked by an excess of pastel and almost weekly trips to Babies R Us. Which brings me to my point. I was there (twice) last week and when I realized I had forgotten my reusable bags (which almost never happens anymore) I received this little beauty from the cashier~

Hmmmm, perhaps a little scale is required to make you appreciate the enormity of this bag. Here it is posing with a dvd case~

Yikes! That's ginormous!! The second the cashier pulled it out, I was thoroughly embarrassed by the fact that I could not hold the handle of the bag without it scraping the ground. My stuff would have fit in their normal sized bag, but I was too stunned to ask her to give me the anemic bag. Then I noticed the lovely leaf in the R..... wait a second... is this bag supposed to be environmentally beneficial?? Witness the proud statement across the bottom of the bag~

Whoa, ok. Sooooooo this bag is 25% recycled material.... and it is 3 times bigger than the non recycled bag..... so isn't it still a step backward? Do you get any benefit from using recycled material to make something that is so over sized? In the immortal words of Alanis Morissette... "isn't it ironic?".

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1 comment:

Erica said...

I had the same reaction when I bought two pairs of baby shorts there last week, and the lady hands me the very same ENORMOUS bag with the tiny little shorts in it. Overkill, no? I laughed out loud. I should have just stuffed the shorts in my purse!