Friday, September 25, 2009

Just one less thing to worry about ;-)

My parents came over yesterday just an hour or so after Micah's morning daring escape and I was telling them the options I had been thinking of for Micah's sleeping arrangements. To which they said, "Well, you know we moved your brother to a big bed at Micah's age...". WHAT? I've never heard of a kid being moved so young! BUT, Micah will have to move before Lizzie gets here and we already have the bed....might be worth a shot.

Well..... it went surprisingly well!! We took his mattress and box spring off of the frame and put them on the floor and held our breath while we put him down to sleep. Nate had to go up there once to calm him down soon after we put him down but then there was only one early morning awakening where someone had to go comfort him! Seeing as how he was in a room he has rarely seen before and his nightlight is burned out, I think one waking is pretty justified and understandable :) He slept on his bed (not on the floor, Mom and Dad!) I think this just might work out!

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1 comment:

annalee said...

great solution! you've inspired me to get going on the transition.