Tuesday, September 01, 2009

It's a......

Well, let's just say that we'll be calling her Pinkberry from now on :) Yay!! at 10 am yesterday we found out that Blueberry was in fact Miss Elizabeth Hannah! The ultrasound tech suggested that blueberry might not be the most appropriate name anymore, but she hasn't seen these little beauties before~

Yup, those are pink blueberries and they're real... who knew? Here is Lizzie's ultrasound pic, taken in the brief moments when she wasn't flipping over and over... I drank juice 30 minutes before the u/s to get her moving and well... it worked :P

I asked the ultrasound lady how sure she was and she said, "Well, those are girl parts... boys don't have those. Trust me, it's a girl." She was confident enough for me to feel comfortable following up our appt with a brief shopping trip :)

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Ulovebeth said...

Congrats!! How exciting! I was hoping the baby name would be Mic-ette.

JenC said...

Yay for cute girly clothes! We are super excited about your new addition!

Jill G. said...

Fun times! I noticed you used the nickname "Lizzie." Is that what you'll call her?

Jana said...

So fun! I'm glad you guys got to find out! So is that what Micah and all of your very scientific tests showed as well?

Anonymous said...

'Ray! The clothes are adorable!

Anonymous said...

YEAH! how exciting....also, LOVE the name :) we hope to find out in a few weeks as well! -- liz dammel

Mom said...

Well, it looks like Internet polls are the most accurate way to predict the gender of your baby:)

annalee said...

i love that pinkberry already! she will obviously be well-dressed too.

dad said...

I'm excited with you and Nate. So, I know that "Lizzy" is on the table for nick names. Can I call her "Beth" as well (I love both names)?

The Whinery Family said...

Congrats Abby! How exciting!! :)

Kelli said...

Hooray for girls!!! I can't wait to meet Miss Lizzie! :)

Jenny said...

Yay!! I'm so happy Micah will have a little sister and you'll have Lizzie to go shopping with and do all the Girl Stuff!

Sammie said...

Yea! You will love having a girl and big brothers are so special to little sisters. :) Oh and cute clothes too - Naomi and Natalie have that cute blue dress you bought for Lizzie...its so cute on! :) Congratulations!!!

The O's said...

That is wonderful, Abby! Ben and I were the same way about wanting to make sure that Emme was REALLY a girl- but when we compared her ultrasound to our friends that had a boy- it was super obvious. :) I am just so excited for you guys. I LOOOOVE my little girly- every day is a joy.

Jen Lewis said...

Woohoo! Congratulations Abby!!! So excited for you!