Friday, January 23, 2009

Baby Talk

Ok, it's official... I am declaring Micah's first word and it is ........ mama. HA! He started making the mamamamama sound awhile ago but I didn't want to count that as his first word since he was just repeating consonant sounds. Well, yesterday morning I got him out of his crib and began nursing him. He pulled off, looked at me and said "mama". I gave him a strange look and thought "Well, that was random" and told him to get back to eating. He pulled off again 30 seconds later and looked at me and said "mama". Hmmm, ok. We then repeated this little dance about 8-9 more times before I just started laughing. I guess I have to make it his official first word :)

With it's official status as first word officially bestowed, mama made another appearance this morning as well. He pulled off and said it another 5 times or so this morning... crazy

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Kelli said...

Yeah! Caroline said MAMA first too. We were on shopping and in the cart she just kept looking and me and saying mama and laughing. Although a few days later she seemed to forget! OH well! :)

Abby said...

yeah, I don't expect this to last too long :)

Anonymous said...

Well babe, I'm glad mama is his first word (even though it pains me a little :). FYI, I won't be saying dada AND mama to child #2...just dada :P j/k

APage said...

That's so fun! How amazing!

Anonymous said...

I might have disputed your claim that the first word was "mama", but of course you have that irrefutable photographic evidence right on your blog entry.