Thursday, January 15, 2009

Skinny Mini

Micah is tiny... officially. The doctor told me so. He is very very small... well, weight wise at least. More on the specifics tomorrow. For now though, I have to start feeding him copious amounts of solids and bump up his formula intake. The doctor says that this doesn't mean the end of breast feeding, but I am skeptical. I just don't think he is going to have room in his tummy for breast milk after everything else he is supposed to be taking in. This makes me surprisingly sad. I mean, I knew I would wean him eventually, but I thought I had another 6 months or so. Well, I'm going to do whatever I have to do to make sure that he is still nursing. I will stuff him with solids, I'll offer him formula, but by golly he's gonna nurse too :P

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