Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Evolution of a Quest

Micah has become VERY intrigued by the camera. Especially when I have the external flash attached. It can actually make it really hard to get pictures now that he can crawl and can pursue the camera. Here he is coming to get it!

I'm gonna get you!!

Here he has made it onto my stomach and is beginning to pin me down...

Finally, he's got me on my back, he's on top of me and I'm crying uncle :P

These other two pics were taken the same day, and although they aren't part of the Canon Expedition, I still love them :)

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dad said...

Could be an aspiring engineer. Better hide anything you don't want disassembled when he gets old enough to pull up.

Abby said...

ah, the voice of experience... are you thinking his middle name might be well given? ;-)