Saturday, May 16, 2009

10 Months!

Micah is 10 months old today!! Wow, that is really freaky to say. It doesn't seem like it's been that long, and yet it's hard to remember life before him. He brings so much joy into our lives and we just have a really good time together :) At 10 months Micah is

~a very accomplished crawler
~a dancing fool
~a stair-climbing wunderkin
~a two-toothed wonder
~a pull up champion
~and a vocal dude

In an interesting side note, when Micah gets frustrated with us now, he calls us by our first names... "Naynaynay" and "Abby" It's crazy :P Oh, and in the picture above, you can finally see his teeth! We love you bubs!!!

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Nate said...

Happy 10 months bubs!!

dad said...

All this time I was expecting the first teeth to be the uppers.