Friday, May 01, 2009


I've never believed in reincarnation.... in fact, it goes against pretty much everything I do believe in. Because of this, I was hesitant to believe what I was witnessing. Well, I've gotten over my disbelief and now I know it's true..... Micah is the reincarnation of my childhood cat, Cricket. Crazy? Maybe not. Here are the circumstances that helped me arrive at this conclusion~

~ Micah is inexplicably drawn to my shoes. He likes all shoes, but he is MUCH more interested in mine. Cricket used to go nuts waiting for me to take off my shoes and she would nap with her head inside or on top of my shoes... something about the way my feet smell :P

~ Yesterday, I was using the facilities and I saw a hand come shooting underneath the door trying to get in.... Cricket used to wait outside the door and push her paws under as far as they would go to try to get under the door somehow.

~ Now that Micah crawls, he likes to hang right around your feet so that if you aren't watching, it's VERY easy to step on him... also a Cricket specialty.

~ Cricket had what we called kitty mind control which she once used to get an entire roast to throw itself off of the counter and into her reach.... Micah has a similar power, even if he hasn't gotten up to the roast level yet.

~ Two words... excessive drool

Now, you don't have to believe me, but I think the evidence speaks for itself ;-)

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1 comment:

dad said...

Might want to invest in a lint roller.