Monday, July 20, 2009

10 Weeks :)

It's time for another installment of What is Blueberry's Gender! I had a personal favorite picked out for this that states that if your pillow faces north then you will have a boy, if it faces south you will have a girl. There are a couple of fundamental problems with this however~

~ My pillow used to face south, and I had a boy.
~ If this were true, and a couple does not rearrange their furniture, then they will never be able to have a child of the opposite sex.
~ My pillow currently faces west... not sure what that means :P

Soooo, we'll go with something else. Apparently, if your feet become cold more easily now that you are pregnant, then you are having a boy. If not, you are having a girl. According to this theory, Abby is having a boy and Nate is having a girl. So that makes the tally for me, 2 old wives tales for boy and 1 for girl.... what will we be having next week?!

Blueberry's vital organs, kidneys, liver, brain, and lungs are functioning, but will continue to mature throughout the remainder of the pregnancy. Fingernails, toenails, and hair will begin to become visible this week. Blue is actively swallowing amniotic fluid and kicking his/her legs. And of course, as of this week, Blueberry is the size of a cute little lime. Lime and blueberry? Hmmm, not sure about that combo :)

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dad said...

I love the development updates - Keep em coming. I also think you and Nate should give serious consideration to actually naming this child "Blueberry", which has the advantage of being equally bizarre regardless of gender. If you feel extra-bold (and mathematically geeky), you could add a middle name of "Pi".

Kelli said...

It looks like he LOVES his presents and you guys had such a great time at the aquarium!