~ Buy a new computer for college.... it completely implodes (the hard drive) within the first 6 months of me owning it. It never behaves normally and I have trouble with it constantly throughout college. Technology 1, Abby 0
~ For the first time EVER, I spent money on a phone (didn't take the freebie one) and got myself a Razor. 1 day after it's warranty ended, it simply refused to turn on. I took it to AT&T, they looked at it and said there was no way to fix it and since my contract wasn't up, I would need to spend an exorbitant amount of money to get a new (would have been free) crappy phone. Technology 2, Abby 0
~ We bought a Mac and I was all excited to make the conversion from PC's. The hard drive crashed within the first 2-3 months. We lost everything (luckily we back up). Within a month of getting the computer back it crashes again. We lost everything. This cycle continues and eventually we sell our lemon and I get a new Dell. Technology 3, Abby 0
~ I've had Dell's before, always loved them... this one is weird. Just a little off. It isn't quite as fast as it should be and it seems to have a lot of kinks. Technology 3.5, Abby .5 (I haven't given up yet)
And now it's my iPhone. My stupid, overpriced, bane of my existence iPhone. A few weeks back, a weird message popped up on my screen saying that this accessory is not compatible with the iPhone and would you like to switch to airplane mode? Huh?? There's no accessory plugged in.. there has NEVER been an accessory plugged in. Also, the sounds on my phone died at the same time. Now the message pops up every time I use my phone. I read online that other people had had this problem and the only solution was a new phone. They said if I took the phone into the Apple store, there would be no problem exchanging it....
WRONG! I went to to Apple store and a very nice guy behind the Genius Bar took my phone and started examining it. He saw NOTHING wrong with it. They guy next to him looked and saw that a tiny itty bitty portion of the moisture sensor inside the phone had been activated... so small that my guy had to ask him where and look for a long time before he found the little pink line. "Ah" says he "Your phone got wet and that's why it is malfunctioning." Translation, It's your fault and no longer under warranty.
Here's the deal... my phone has NEVER been exposed to water. Not dropped in a toilet, not near a sweaty glass of water, nowhere near my drooling toddler. That's how I know. I keep that thing high up away from everything to keep it away from Micah. Turns out... the sensor can be triggered by humidity. Er, WHAT??? I live in Houston, Texas... humidity is my LIFE. So now, not only is Apple "not responsible" for this repair, since that sensor has barely been activated, it voids the warranty and anything else that goes wrong is no longer covered. Apparently many people are having this issue of their sensors being triggered by humidity... it's ridiculous.
I walked out of the Apple store crying (pregnancy + frustration = hormonal tears) and fundamentally disgusted with Apple. This is their design problem and now I have to be reminded of how much money I wasted every time I use my shiny piece of ____ that started malfunctioning at the tender age of two weeks old. Great... so glad I have two whole years to regret the purchase. Nate is working furiously to get this situation resolved with Apple, and I'm hopeful, but we'll see.
I was pretty sure I'd never buy an iphone before this came up (and that's when I thought Apple was a reputable company who would back their products). This seals the deal
I so feel your pain....
I've gotten my iphone replaced without incident for a problem that was not nearly as pressing as yours. Sorry you dealt with a junky rep. I still have faith in Apple at this point, but if they end up messing you over on this I will have to lower them down to the level of every other electronics manufacturer.
Sorry Abby! That would be extremely frustrating for someone who has taken perfect care of their phone. Maybe you just got an extra vigilant rep or Apple is tightening their replacement policy, but my dad is on his SIXTH iPhone. Each one because the previous one stopped working in some form or another.
I will be most disappointed if you or Nate can't get this resolved fairly...that's so disgusting!!!
Do keep us informed.
I hate my iphone as well. Jason just came home with them one day, I've had the same palm for the last 5 years, I'd go back if I could. My phone drops just about every call I make. Apple and AT&T both say it just needs updating, even though I have all the updates!
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