Monday, August 31, 2009

16 Weeks!

Woo Hoo! 16 weeks and today is the day (hopefully) that we find out what we are having! Our ultrasound is at 10 with an appointment after that and likely a trip to the mall for a baby outfit after that :) Soooo....expect a blog update tomorrow around lunchtime with the sex of Blueberry... as long as he/she cooperates and everything goes well... yay!

Blueberry is preparing for a growth spurt over the next several weeks. Blue's ears and eyes are situated in their final positions, giving blue a more “normal” appearance than he/she has had up to this point. Several of the more complicated body systems are also beginning to function including Blueberry’s urinary and circulatory system. Blue’s heart pumps around 25 quarts of blood per day. However, by week 40 this amount will increase to 1,900 quarts per day. Blue is now the size of an avocado!

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1 comment:

Sammie said...

waiting here...just waiting...excited to hear the gender of this baby!