Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Big Girls Sometimes Cry

Yesterday was Elizabeth's 4 month appointment and she is a big, healthy, beautiful baby :) Unfortunately, she doesn't handle her shots with the same grace as her older brother... I finally get why some people feel really guilty about their babies getting shots... it's terrible! Anyhoo, after many tears, she finally calmed down and was able to take a nap. Now for the stats~

Head Circumference ~ 16.5" - 50th-75th percentile
Weight~ 14lb 12oz - 75th-90th percentile
Height~ 25.75" - 90th-95th percentile

Just for funsies, let's compare shall we? At 4 months Micah was 12lb 6oz (15th percentile) and 25 inches long (50th percentile). Can you say night and day? Well, we love our toothpick and our big girl and it just goes to show you how different sibs can be!


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